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Remote learning, distance education and online learning during the COVID19 pandemic. (week 6)

Remote learning, distance education and online learning during the
COVID19 pandemic:
A Resource List by the World Bank’s EdTech Team

The article: Organized by the World Bank’s EdTech Team (Last update: April 10th, 2020)

The variety of resources and platforms that could help to facilitate technological solutions to support remote learning.
this selection has been motivated by prioritizing resources and solutions that are free, offline friendly or are available in more than one language (especially beyond, English), and can be integrated to support remote learning for different contexts, levels of connectivity, levels of education or subject.
A selection of online libraries and compilation of educational resources, reading materials, lesson plans. And some initiatives to deliver content and textbooks to the student (and parents).
The resources can be used in environments with limited or no Internet access, which categorized as "offline" (meaning that after downloading them and case like analogue television resources). In addition, when some platforms are categorized in terms of interaction, the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous might be of help.
1.       Synchronous learning; meaning that two or more learners are connected simultaneously or in real-time using the same platform or communication channel, for instance, a video conference.
2.       Asynchronous learning; meaning that learners access the same material at different times and locations, for instance, using an e-learning website at different points.
Additional resources and platforms have been included identifying digital learning resources provided by governments.
In the interest of improving the diversity of channels to deliver educational resources and guidance to students and teachers, you will find here a selection of examples which provide different modalities of educational television and interactive radio instruction.
These additional each of the categories included different pedagogical opportunities for educators and students. We hope that this guide can be helpful in orienting and supporting the educational crisis as a result of COVID-19.


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