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A Reflection on the important of ICT tools and applications used in ELT and the limitations of ICT tools in ELT the field( week 10)

The important of ICT tools and applications in the field of ELT and the limitations
The following are the ICT tools:
i) Over head projector 
ii) MALL 
iii) Radio 
iv) Television 
v) Internet
(i) Computers: This is the  backbone tools of modern human life. All the new communication process are impossible without the use of computers.
1. It help to in storing, preparing, collecting and preparing of data for communication.
2. It help to in developing listening and speaking skills. 
3. It help in English language speaking and listening skills.
(ii) Over head projector: It is an important tool of displaying information and processes to a large number of people simultaneously.
It can be used in teaching and training of personnel. Prepared forms of information are easy to display with the help of over head projector.
(iii) MALL: This tool is very important in language training of the students. A number of students can practice speaking and hearing drills with the help of MALL. It is especially useful in the training of English language listening and speaking skills.
(iv) Radio: It useful in educating and training expecially in the rural areas, distance and open education programmes are being conducted with the help of radio. It is also useful in audio conferencing. Programmers relayed on radio are helpful in the development of language skills, especially dialogues and dramas.
(v) Television:  this is an audio video tools conferencing, live telecast of teaching and training are done through this. It very useful in education as well as entertainment fields. It is a tool that helpful in developing listening skills, useful in learning situational language as well as It is highly motivating also. It is very helpful in understanding the language of mass media. A large number of students may be benefitted with the programmes of television simultaneously. Many distance and open universities are running their educational programmes on television, such as Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maulana Azad National Urdu University etc. 
(vi) Internet: the most important facility of ICT.  All the modern communication takes place through this. It has made the communication facility very fast, convenient, economic, and attractive. There are lots of facilities available for communication on internet. Some of them are following:-
 (a) Social media:  Social media has become an important tool of communication. It provides a platform for sharing thoughts and ideas. Blogs are made on it. Students can add themselves with the English language learning groups and take advantage of sharing information. Lots of social sites are available on it like, Face book, Twitter, Instagram etc. It is very helpful in learning situational language.
(b) Online facilities for English language learning: A lot of online facilities are available on internet for the development language skills. Some of them are e-guidance, e-tutoring, e-teaching, e-journals, e-magazines, e-books, e-library, online training, virtual classes etc.
 (c) Online language related courses: These courses are available on internet. Some of them are free and some of them are payable. Students can enroll themselves in these courses and get education and training easily on their own place. Some of the agencies which are providing on line courses are following MOOC, Future Learn, NPTEL, and IIT’s, Concordia University etc. Students can watch online and offline videos of language learning for the enhancement of their language skills.
(d) Feature Films in Teaching English:           Films can be used in the teaching of English language. Films may be documentaries, educational and entertainment based.   These can arouse high level of motivation. It results in a most satisfying learning experience.
        Limitations of ICT tools in ELT development
Limitations of ICT tools: Though ICT tools are very helpful in the teaching and learning of English language, still these tools have some limitations. Some of the limitations are discussed below:-
(1) Often student fail to learn the targeted objectives of the English language teaching.
(2) Due to freedom of time and space often students become careless about their targets and indulge themselves in meaningless works.
(3) Repeated use of recorded programmes creates boredom in the students that leads to the problem of indiscipline in the classroom.
(4) Most of the times students remain passive and inactive in the teaching learning process because they get less opportunities to participate actively in the teaching learning process.
(5) The use of ICT tools needs technically trained teachers that lacks and create problems in the TLP.
With this discussions  it is clear that ICT tools have changed the methods of English language teaching learning process. So  it is essential for a teacher to be familiar with modern ICT tools and use it properly to achieve the aims of English language teaching.


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